Alexis Isnana

Age: 24

Representing: Sisseton Dakota/Mnicoujou Lakota, Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation

Hometown: Standing Buffalo, SK

Alexis Isnana comes from the Tatanka Najin Dakota Oyate (Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation) in Saskatchewan. She proudly represents the people of the Oceti Sakowin (The Seven Council Fires). Her Dakota name is Wakiyan To Win which means Blue Thunder Woman. Alexis is 24 years old and recently obtained her degree in Indigenous Social Work from the First Nations University of Canada. Alexis uses her post-secondary education as a tool to give back to her community, and to help her people. As a program coordinator, she works with the youth of her community. Alexis is passionate about her Dakota language, culture, and people.

Alexis is supported by:

First Nations University of Canada

Standing Buffalo Dakota Band #78